Der schnellste Song im Repertoire basiert auf einem australischen Slogan. Derjenige, dem alles entgegenspringt und dem alles gelingt, ohne dass er sich wirklich selbst darum bemüht. Derjenige, der nur die guten Zeiten findet und für die schlechten keine Zeit hat. Derjenige der groß denkt, lebt und agiert, alles cool, alles locker.
——– Words and Music by : Jason Skott —— August 8, 2013
Now it seems , you´re looking for a good time,
You don´t need to waste time for the bad..
You´re looking for a bigger size,
You don´t need no compromise,
You´re killing me again with your disguise.
Don´t you play it cruel, – Happy go lucky !
Don´t play it like a fool, – Happy go lucky !
Buy a ticket from the start with no direction,
.. some kind of destination anywhere.
You gotta play Mister Blue Eye,
You´re telling me your true lies ,
Tomorrow is as far, as could be.
R)…Don´t you play it cruel, – Happy go lucky !
Don´t play it like a fool, – Happy go lucky !
You could be further falling apart,
Should have been opened up your heart,
You could be falling back to the ground ,
With a very special sound..
Don´t you play it cruel, – Happy go lucky !
Don´t play it like a fool, – Happy go lucky !