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Lyrics – Beg ’n Betray



Leb dein Leben, trau dir was zu, frag nicht wie ichs gemacht habe, machs auf deine Art, warte nicht zu lange, bettele nicht um eine Anleitung.

Dieser rote Faden durchzieht dieses Stück, das 2012 entstand.



Beg´n´Betray (Text: Jason Skott)



You asked me about my outfit, and I can´t tell you about it.

Just look with your own eyes, don´t make no compromise.



You asked me about my car, it won´t get you that far.

Just look with your own eyes, don´t make no compromise.

Be king of your own life.


1 B)

´cause deep inside, like a child, innocent and wild,

look inside, deep inside, you don´t have to hide.


1 R)

So, wouldn´t you try, just for one time,

Wouldn´t you beg and steal, betray me,

If you could choose, just for one time,

wouldn´t you try to break the ice..



I´d like to ask you about it, you ask me just as well.

Just look with your own eyes, don´t make no compromise.

Be king of your own life.


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